#R: Timeseries analysis try out
by: Dasapta Erwin Irawan
This try out has been done using Karuah watershed timseries data (prepared for LWSC3007 class). It is following class handout by Floris van Ogtrop. This post is also available in pdf format.References:
- (http://userwww.sfsu.edu/efc/classes/biol710/timeseries/timeseries1.htm)
- (http://onlinestatbook.com/2/advanced_graphs/q-q_plots.html)
- (http://www.public.iastate.edu/~alicia/stat328/Time%20Series.pdf)
- (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/forecast/forecast.pdf)
1. Exercise 01
- Load Karuah Data
setwd("/Volumes/02 ERWIN/2014/Repos-Ubuntu-Mac/2014-Time series-Florist")
Data <- read.csv("Karuah_Data.csv")
Data$Date <- as.Date(Data$Date, "%d/%m/%Y")
## Date Rainfall MaxT Crabapple Sassafrass
## 1 1977-01-01 132.2 38.2 2.33 0.66
## 2 1977-02-01 239.2 39.4 7.37 15.17
## 3 1977-03-01 256.6 31.3 31.80 51.67
## 4 1977-04-01 43.4 29.5 4.94 0.74
## 5 1977-05-01 330.0 24.2 26.24 47.17
## 6 1977-06-01 81.0 22.3 12.51 13.08
## Date Rainfall MaxT Crabapple Sassafrass
## 331 2004-07-01 49.4 23.3 1.49 0.16
## 332 2004-08-01 45.4 26.2 1.39 0.30
## 333 2004-09-01 70.6 32.9 1.12 0.28
## 334 2004-10-01 269.6 35.0 9.07 25.36
## 335 2004-11-01 58.0 40.0 3.17 0.56
## 336 2004-12-01 93.0 39.8 1.93 0.64
We will create Log-transform on rainfall data and Crabapple (streamflow) column. Q1: Why do we work with log-transformed data
A1: It will lower the data skewness and re-arrange the distribution, so it will be easier to spot any patterns.
Data$LogCrab <- log(Data$Crabapple)
Data$LogRain <- log(Data$Rainfall)
Q2: Which one is normally distributed and how we decide that? To test that we are going to:
- Make histograms of the log-transform
- Run “Shapiro-Wilk Test”. We use p-value > 0.05 as cut off for normally-distributed data.
- Run QQplot. Normal-distributed data will lies along the straight line.
A2: Based on the results above, LogCrab is normally-distributed, but LogRain is not.
- Make histograms
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
- Run “Shapiro-Wilk test”: > We will evaluate the “p-value”. It tells you what the chances are that the sample comes from a normal distribution. Common statisticians use a cutoff value of 0.05. When the p-value is lower than 0.05, you can conclude that the sample deviates from normality.
## Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data: Data$LogCrab
## W = 0.9936, p-value = 0.1682
## Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data: Data$LogRain
## W = 0.9533, p-value = 7.499e-09
Notice the “p-value”“ on LogCrab > 0.05
- Run QQplot test: > The quantile-quantile or q-q plot is an exploratory graphical device used to check the validity of a distributional assumption for a data set. In general, the basic idea is to compute the theoretically expected value for each data point based on the distribution in question. If the data indeed follow the assumed distribution, then the points on the q-q plot will fall approximately on a straight line.
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
qqline(Data$LogCrab, col = 2)
qqline(Data$LogRain, col = 2)
Q3: How is the relationship between both parameters?
A3: Both parameters are not correlated
- Make xy plot of streamflow and rainfall
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(Data$Crabapple, Data$Rainfall)
reg1 <- lm(Data$Crabapple ~ Data$Rainfall)
abline(reg1, col = "red")
summary(lm(Data$Crabapple ~ Data$Rainfall))
## Call:
## lm(formula = Data$Crabapple ~ Data$Rainfall)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -16.50 -3.39 -0.34 2.28 40.41
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.0357 0.5258 0.07 0.95
## Data$Rainfall 0.0600 0.0038 15.78 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 6.26 on 334 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.427, Adjusted R-squared: 0.425
## F-statistic: 249 on 1 and 334 DF, p-value: <2e-16
Exercise 02: fit, compare, and check timeseries models
- subset data to calibration (before 2004-07-01) and validation dataset (after 2004-07-01). Please check that the "subsetting” is successful by looking at the “head()”. Sometimes R behave ackwardly by no running the “subset” command. If this happens, try to re-start the RStudio.
Data.cal <- Data[Data$Date < "2004-01-07", ]
Data.val <- Data[Data$Date >= "2004-01-07", ]
## Date Rainfall MaxT Crabapple Sassafrass LogCrab LogRain
## 1 1977-01-01 132.2 38.2 2.33 0.66 0.8459 4.884
## 2 1977-02-01 239.2 39.4 7.37 15.17 1.9974 5.477
## 3 1977-03-01 256.6 31.3 31.80 51.67 3.4595 5.548
## 4 1977-04-01 43.4 29.5 4.94 0.74 1.5974 3.770
## 5 1977-05-01 330.0 24.2 26.24 47.17 3.2673 5.799
## 6 1977-06-01 81.0 22.3 12.51 13.08 2.5265 4.394
## Date Rainfall MaxT Crabapple Sassafrass LogCrab LogRain
## 326 2004-02-01 170.2 42.5 3.12 5.91 1.1378 5.137
## 327 2004-03-01 235.4 37.0 12.14 24.39 2.4965 5.461
## 328 2004-04-01 14.6 29.2 4.40 0.25 1.4816 2.681
## 329 2004-05-01 25.0 24.4 2.15 0.00 0.7655 3.219
## 330 2004-06-01 12.2 23.5 1.48 0.00 0.3920 2.501
## 331 2004-07-01 49.4 23.3 1.49 0.16 0.3988 3.900
- Plot acf (autocorrfunc) and pacf (partial-acf). Notice the lines exceeding the cut-off lines (blue line) and the lags.
Q4: Propose ARIMA order.
A4: Propose ARIMA order 2, based on 2 spikes (lag-1 and lag-2) in PACF LogCrab plot
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
- Trying out some 1st order ARIMAs
mod1a <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(1, 0, 0))
mod1b <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(0, 1, 0)) ## rand.walk mod
mod1c <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(1, 1, 0)) ## 1st order AR mod
mod1d <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(0, 1, 1)) ## simpel.exp.smooth mod
mod1e <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(0, 2, 2)) ## linear.exp.smooth mod
- Trying out some 1st order SARIMAs
mod1sa <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(1, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(1,
0, 0), period = 12))
mod2sa <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(2, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2,
0, 0), period = 12))
mod1sb <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(0, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(0,
1, 0), period = 12)) ## rand.walk mod
mod1sc <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(1, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(1,
1, 0), period = 12)) ## 1st order AR mod
mod1sd <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(0, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(0,
1, 1), period = 12)) ## simpel.exp.smooth mod
mod1se <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(0, 2, 2), seasonal = list(order = c(0,
2, 2), period = 12)) ## linear.exp.smooth mod
- Trying out some 2nd order SARIMAs
mod2sa <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(2, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2,
0, 0), period = 12))
mod2sb <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(2, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2,
1, 0), period = 12)) ## rand.walk mod
mod2sc <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(2, 1, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(2,
1, 0), period = 12)) ## 1st order AR mod
mod2sd <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(2, 1, 1), seasonal = list(order = c(2,
1, 1), period = 12)) ## simpel.exp.smooth mod
mod2se <- arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, order = c(2, 2, 2), seasonal = list(order = c(2,
2, 2), period = 12)) ## linear.exp.smooth mod
- Compare models using AIC (Akaike Information Criteria). This is somewhat like an objective function, to see which model performs best.
AIC(mod1a, mod1b, mod1c, mod1d, mod1e)
## df AIC
## mod1a 3 780.0
## mod1b 1 838.7
## mod1c 2 808.7
## mod1d 2 800.7
## mod1e 3 808.0
AIC(mod1sa, mod1sb, mod1sc, mod1sd, mod1se)
## df AIC
## mod1sa 4 772.7
## mod1sb 1 973.8
## mod1sc 3 877.2
## mod1sd 3 773.6
## mod1se 5 854.2
AIC(mod2sa, mod2sb, mod2sc, mod2sd, mod2se)
## df AIC
## mod2sa 6 768.6
## mod2sb 5 828.4
## mod2sc 5 828.4
## mod2sd 7 779.5
## mod2se 9 859.8
Q5: which model is better? (use the smaller AIC)
A5: mod2sa (SARIMA 2 order) has the lowest AIC. It means the data has more dominant seasonal component.
We can evaluate the result with several tools.
- Check residuals, see the qqplots
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
qqline(residuals(mod1a), col = 2, lwd = 3)
qqline(residuals(mod2sa), col = 2, lwd = 3)
- Trying out the “auto.arima()” function from “Forecast” package (by Rob Hyndman). Be sure to run >install.package(“forecast”)
Q6: What is “forecast” package, auto.arima()“? and What are BIC, AIC, and AICC?
A6: "Forecast” package is a tools for displaying and analysing univariate time series forecasts including exponential smoothing via state space models and automatic ARIMA modelling.
The “auto.arima()”“ function in R uses a variation of the Hyndman and Khandakar algorithm which combines unit root tests, minimization of the AIC, AICc or BIC to obtain the best ARIMA model.
AIC: Akaike's Information Criterion AICc: AIC with correction BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion
## Warning: package 'forecast' was built under R version 2.15.3
## This is forecast 4.03
mod3 <- auto.arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, ic = "bic")
mod4 <- auto.arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, ic = "aic")
mod5 <- auto.arima(Data.cal$LogCrab, ic = "aicc")
AIC(mod2sa, mod3, mod4, mod5)
## df AIC
## mod2sa 6 768.6
## mod3 4 774.3
## mod4 6 775.9
## mod5 6 775.9
After evaluating the AIC on "auto.arima”, we can see that the values are still larger than the AIC from “mod2sa”. So our “mod2sa” is still the best model.
Exercise 03
- Use “mod2sa” with the smallest AIC to forecast streamflow
- Back transform (undo the log)
forecast <- predict(mod2sa, 6)
forecast1 <- exp(forecast$pred)
forecastx <- data.frame(c(3.12, 12.14, 4.4, 2.15, 1.48, 2.105285, 2.540008,
3.179669, 4.181325, 3.866578, 3.477085))
Data.val["forecastx"] <- forecastx
- Comparing observed data with calculated data with line plot.
# Setting upper and lower line
U <- exp(forecast$pred + 1.96 * forecast$se)
upper <- data.frame(c(3.12, 12.14, 4.4, 2.15, 1.48, 9.780192, 15.553733, 21.462948,
29.283972, 27.468605, 24.839399))
Data.val["upper"] <- upper
L <- exp(forecast$pred - 1.96 * forecast$se)
lower <- data.frame(c(3.12, 12.14, 4.4, 2.15, 1.48, 0.4531839, 0.414797, 0.471058,
0.5970324, 0.5442732, 0.4867317))
Data.val["lower"] <- lower
## Setting max and min values on y axis
minx <- min(Data.val$Crabapple, L)
maxx <- max(Data.val$Crabapple, U)
## Setting plot
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(Data.val$Date, Data.val$Crabapple, ylim = c(minx, maxx), type = "l", lwd = 2)
lines(Data.val$Date, Data.val$forecastx, col = "red")
lines(Data.val$Date, Data.val$upper, col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
lines(Data.val$Date, Data.val$lower, col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
legend("topleft", legend = c("observed runoff", "predicted runoff", "confidence interval"),
lty = c(1, 1, 2), col = c(1, 2, 4))
## Xyplot (observed~forecast streamflow)
plot(Data.val$Crabapple, Data.val$forecastx)
reg <- lm(Data.val$Crabapple ~ Data.val$forecastx)
abline(reg, col = "red")
summary(lm(Data.val$Crabapple ~ Data.val$forecastx))
## Call:
## lm(formula = Data.val$Crabapple ~ Data.val$forecastx)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.901 -0.766 -0.377 0.199 4.973
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.394 0.983 -0.40 0.69805
## Data.val$forecastx 1.074 0.207 5.19 0.00057 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.89 on 9 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.75, Adjusted R-squared: 0.722
## F-statistic: 27 on 1 and 9 DF, p-value: 0.000569
Q7: comment on forecast output, including the confidence intervals.
A7: Forecast output correlates with streamflow. Forecast fails to capture high flow, but it well-correlated with the observed streamflow.
Exercise 4 …
Exercise 5 …
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