08 October 2008

Me on a flash

This is my first post, hopefully not the last. I’m not a blog freak. Simply just want to share my experiences and thoughts , what’s going on in my life, and my family. I also want to share what I do as a researcher and university lecturer. I surely hope to continue this with many other posts. Herewith is a flash of myself. 

Name              : D. Erwin Irawan

Place/date of Birth: Surabaya, April 17th 1976

E-mail address r-win@centrin.net.id cc derwinirawan@yahoo.co.id

Another site www.friendster.com/derwinrawan

Education :

1) 1998: Undergraduate (S1), Geological Engineering, FIKTM-ITB,
2) 2001: Master (S2), Geological Engineering, FIKTM-ITB

3) 2005-now: PhD, Geological Engineering, FITB

Research focus : Volcanic hydrogeology, physical-chemical properties of groundwater

Research Title : Hydrodynamic and Hydrogeochemistry Characterisation of Tropical Strato Volcano Aquifer System. Case Study Mt. Ciremai, Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia


Dr.Ir. Deny Juanda Puradimaja (denyjp@gc.itb.ac.id);
Prof.Dr.Ir. Sudarto Notosiswoyo (


Afiliation:        Research Division on Applied Geology

            Faculty of Earth Science and Technology

            Institut Teknologi Bandung

            www.appliedgeology.itb.ac.id / www.fiktm.itb.ac.id/kk-geologi_terapan

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