10 January 2011

Q: How do I understand a research topic’s development and trend quickly? (adapted from Web of Science)

This materials was adapted from Web of Science. You can use it as an equal example to access www.scopus.com.
Question: How do I understand a research topic’s development and trend quickly?
Step 1
Go to Web of Science (http://isiknowledge.com/wos). Enter “hydrogeology” AND “volcanics” under search field Topic. Click Search button.
Step 2
There are many articles. Click “Create Citation Report” button to get the research trend.
Step 3
Look at Published Items in Each Year – this shows you a distribution bar chart showing published items in each year for “hydrogeology” and “volcanics” records over last 20 years.
Step 4
Look at Citations in Each Year – this shows a distribution chart showing citations in each year for “hydrogeology” and “volcanics” records over last 20 years.
Step 5
The total Results, Sum of Times Cited, Average Citations per Item and h-index are found here.
Adapted from Web of Science.