25 June 2014

Electricity consumption: example of R-lattice chart

Plotting multiple data series in #R using #Lattice <!-- Styles for R syntax highlighter

Plotting multiple data series in #R using #Lattice

Hello Readers. Thank you for paying this blog a visit or two. I am very surprised to see the number of visitor. I will continue to post my progress and also my learning process. The following code is a short tutorial to make a simple chart using lattice package. I use the electricity consumption data from US Dept.of Energy. To make a simple plot using R is a learning curve. It is straight forward, so you will be able to use it, once you get the basic properties.

Loading package and data

  1. loading library
  2. loading data (30 rows and 6 columns)
  3. example on subsetting data, only read row 1 to 29, and excluding line 30.
## Loading required package: lattice
data <- read.csv("enconsump.csv")
mydata <- data[c(1:29), ]

First plot: Simple xyplot using the available data

  1. plotting
  2. x axis=Country column
  3. y axis=Year column (2007-2011)
  4. point style (pch)=16
  5. legend by auto key
  6. x and y is the coordinate of the legend
xyplot(mydata$Country ~ mydata$X2007 + mydata$X2008 + mydata$X2009 + mydata$X2010 + 
    mydata$X2011, main = "Electricity consumption (2007-2011)", type = "p", 
    pch = 16, auto.key = list(x = 0.7, y = 0.8, text = c("2007", "2008", "2009", 
        "2010", "2011"), title = "Year"), ylab = "countries", xlab = "billion Kwh")

Second plot: Simple plot using manually-entered data

  1. making plot from manually entered data
  2. making short time series of world's total electricity consumption
  3. main : setting chart title
  4. type="b" : type both point and line
  5. pch=16 : setting point type
  6. xaxt="n" : no axis label
  7. xlab : setting x axis label
  8. ylab : setting y axis label
  9. axis(1...: setting x tick label
total <- c(17149.41987, 17410.00845, 17316.83824, 18501.4416, 19298.53181)
plot(total, main = "World's total electricity consumption", type = "b", pch = 16, 
    xaxt = "n", xlab = "Years", ylab = "energy consumption, in billion Kwh")
axis(1, at = 1:5, labels = c("2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011"))
#References: Energy Report-US Dept of Energy

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