[#R] How to convert lat-long coordinates to UTM (easting-northing)
1. Intro (rgdal
installation on Mac)
This bit is part of my work in modeling the hydrology of Cikapundung Catchment. I am kind of (forced) to do the spatial analysis in R :-). But after several trial and errors, it's really not that hard.
So If you do spatial analysis using R, you would need to set your coordinate into easting and northing system. Many R packages in spatial section only read this projection system (correct me if I'm wrong). One of the is geoR package
. I'll talk about this later, since I'm still figuring out how to use it to make variograms and trend maps.
Now, to do a coordinate conversion, you would need rgdal package
. This is the basic R package that deals with spatial analysis. Just install it with this command:
In my case, the installation went well in Mac (running Snow Leopard) and also Windows 7, but it needed a workaround to install it on my Linux machine (Ubuntu 13.10). After installation, call the package using
or require(rgdal)
2. Installing rgdal
on Ubuntu
As I have said, installing rgdal
on Linux was not as smooth as installing the other spatial packages, say maptools
, geoR
, or sp
. At least in my case.
It has something to do with libgdal1-dev
and libproj-dev
files and their version which is corresponding to the Linux kernel version.
I googled it and this terminal command did work on my machine running Ubuntu 13.10. See this post:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/c2d4u
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-cran-rgdal
Another way (that did not work for me, but it might work on you). According to the same link above, this command was re-ran after switching off the related update site in the Ubuntu's update manager database:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libproj-dev
Another way suggested by Robin Lovelace was working on Ubuntu 13.04.
3. Converting coordinates
Then load your data, in my case was
data = read.csv('27-1997data.csv')
data <- read.csv('27-1997data.csv')
I often use the first one with “=” sign to avoid me hitting “shift key”.
Then you must set your existing coordinate system. Because otherwise, R will treat your x and y as plain data, not coordinate. In this case we are going to convert the existing lat-long coordinates to UTM (easting-northing system).
Run this command:
cord.dec = SpatialPoints(cbind(data$long, -data$lat), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
You can change the “cord.dec”, “data$long”, and “data$lat”, based on your dataset.
Then you are going to transform the CRS or Coordinate Reference System to UTM by setting the EPSG to 32748 for WGS 84, UTM Zone 48M, southern hemisphere. This is where Bandung is located.
cord.UTM <- spTransform(cord.dec, CRS("+init=epsg:32748"))
4. Coordinate conversion on GIS app
I know that this post was mainly about R. But It does not hurt to share a system using QGIS and GRASS, posted by a fellow user Dmitri, from GRASS GIS Facebook Community.
So basically we will have two options:
Option 1
Use QGIS to reproject your data from WGS-84 (EPSG:4326) to UTM 48 zone (EPSG:34728). To do that in QGIS: (a) run QGIS, (b) load the dataset, © then use menu: Layer->Save As… (select new proection in the dialog). Then you can create new GRASS mapset using your reprojected data.
Option 2
Reproject the data using GRASS: (a) Create mapset in WGS-84 (b) Import the data, © create mapset in UTM 48 zone, (d) reproj data from the first mapset to the second (r.proj and v.proj commands).
5. The complete R codes.
Do not expect fancy code with me (LOL).
# loading library
## Loading required package: rgdal
## Loading required package: sp
## rgdal: version: 0.8-16, (SVN revision 498)
## Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
## Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08
## Path to GDAL shared files: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library/rgdal/gdal
## Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012, [PJ_VERSION: 480]
## Path to PROJ.4 shared files: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library/rgdal/proj
data = read.csv("27-1997data.csv")
cord.dec = SpatialPoints(cbind(data$long, -data$lat), proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat"))
# Setting existing coordinate as lat-long system
cord.dec = SpatialPoints(cbind(data$long, -data$lat), proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat"))
# Transforming coordinate to UTM using EPSG=32748 for WGS=84, UTM Zone=48M,
# Southern Hemisphere)
cord.UTM <- spTransform(cord.dec, CRS("+init=epsg:32748"))
## SpatialPoints:
## coords.x1 coords.x2
## [1,] 783993 10767111
## [2,] 778949 10758896
## [3,] 784001 10765562
## [4,] 789969 10766259
## [5,] 783890 10765672
## [6,] 785760 10767453
## [7,] 777100 10753022
## [8,] 776305 10757112
## [9,] 776193 10757222
## [10,] 785220 10765016
## [11,] 779750 10753921
## [12,] 790006 10759509
## [13,] 785175 10752843
## [14,] 780604 10759679
## [15,] 784444 10765343
## [16,] 777882 10751587
## [17,] 782471 10762234
## [18,] 782032 10761457
## [19,] 783456 10764121
## [20,] 786240 10760484
## [21,] 775304 10758102
## [22,] 785175 10752843
## [23,] 785175 10752843
## [24,] 785175 10752843
## [25,] 785175 10752843
## [26,] 782141 10761790
## [27,] 791358 10754868
## [28,] 776638 10756892
## [29,] 779824 10760892
## [30,] 783354 10762571
## [31,] 783804 10761135
## [32,] 779808 10763769
## [33,] 785175 10752843
## [34,] 785175 10752843
## [35,] 785379 10756053
## [36,] 785175 10752843
## [37,] 778412 10755906
## [38,] 785310 10748307
## [39,] 784556 10765233
## [40,] 784116 10764678
## [41,] 785175 10752843
## [42,] 768459 10755854
## [43,] 785175 10752843
## [44,] 771336 10755537
## [45,] 785257 10758266
## [46,] 785175 10752843
## [47,] 781714 10759021
## [48,] 779287 10757791
## [49,] 785247 10760147
## [50,] 790201 10764158
## [51,] 784267 10757264
## Coordinate Reference System (CRS) arguments: +init=epsg:32748
## +proj=utm +zone=48 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
## +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# Plotting points
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(cord.dec, axes = TRUE, main = "Lat-Long Coordinates", cex.axis = 0.95)
plot(cord.UTM, axes = TRUE, main = "UTM Coordinates", col = "red", cex.axis = 0.95)
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