12 September 2014

How to make QQ plot in R

Dear friends,

For those of you that are still having some problems making chart in R, here’s an example for QQ plot. I made it steps.

1. Read data

Use your own data.

QQTest <- read.table(file="QQTest.dat",sep=",",head=TRUE)

2. Make a QQplot


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

3. Annotate the plot

       main="Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

4. Make the same x and y limit

       main = "Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3)) 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

5. Change to + symbol

       main = "Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Add the QQ line

qqline(QQTest$vals, col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 2)

Or make it red

qqline(QQTest$vals, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2)

Or make it not dotted

qqline(QQTest$vals, col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 1)

Or make it thinner

qqline(QQTest$vals, col = "blue", lwd = 1, lty = 1)

6. Add the grid

       main = "Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+",
       panel.first = grid(7, lty = 1, lwd = 2)) 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Not good right?

Try this one

       main = "Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+") 
abline(v=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")
abline(h=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

7. Make two columns plot: side by side

First delete your old plot using plot.new() then change the layout

par(mfrow=c(2, 1))

Make the left plot

       main = "Upper Plot -> Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+") 
abline(v=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")
abline(h=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")

Then make the right plot

       main = "Right Plot -> Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+") 
abline(v=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")
abline(h=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")

Or make it two rows: upper and lower

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

Make the upper plot

       main = "Upper Plot -> Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+") 
abline(v=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")
abline(h=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")

Then make the lower plot

       main = "Lower Plot -> Normal Q-Q Plot of ...",
       xlab = "Observed",
       ylab = "Modeled",
       xlim = c(-3, 3),
       ylim = c(-3, 3),
       pch = "+") 
abline(v=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")
abline(h=(seq(-3, 3, by=1)), col="lightgray", lty="dotted")

There you go. You make more tweaks it based on your needs. You can also use a specific package with specific style like: lattice or ggplot2. Make sure you read the documentation first, as each package may have different commands, but the basic principle is the same.

Good luck.


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